Collaborative Art Project (by Mrs. Klitzing)

Collaboration is defined as the action of working with others to produce or create something.  Collaborative Art is simply artwork that involves working as a team to create art.  Each person plays a crucial role as they contribute in some significant way to the artwork.  

Over the course of the last several weeks, nearly 400 of our students worked collaboratively to produce a work of art with this year’s school theme verse from 1 Peter 2:5 as the inspiration: “You also are like living stones, and God is using you to build a spiritual house.”  Additionally, students wanted the artwork to reflect our “Building For the Future” campaign, which will raise funds to renovate our sanctuary and grow our School Endowment Fund.  

Collaborative Art truly balances individual talents with the common goal of the group.  TOGETHER, the students were able to create something beautiful. Art skills and techniques were practiced while cooperation and teamwork were nurtured.   

Salvador Dali once said, “A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.”  It is our prayer that this project inspires every viewer to live as Living Stones for God!