Middle School




  • IXL app - Math standards (work to reach a smart score of 80 in your current grade level and try out standards in your incoming grade level as well!)
  • Watch Math YouTube videos to review/learn concepts. Here are several YouTube channels to explore:
    • Math Antics
    • Mashup Math
    • Khan Academy
  • Look for opportunities to practice mental math: estimate the cost of your groceries while shopping, calculate the tip while out to eat at a restaurant, etc.
  • Have some fun in the kitchen! Find a cookie recipe and double it or cut it in half by calculating the new amount of ingredients needed.
  • Suggested websites for strengthening and building skills:
    • Khannacademy.org
    • Thatquiz.org
    • Aaamath.com


  • Enjoy educational activities for 5th and 6th grade to reinforce or introduce ancient civilizations. Ancient Civilization activities
  • 7th Grade expansion on the art of the Renaissance Art lessons and activities
  • Sign up for Readworks and create a class of one for your child to read topics that are related to Social Studies and their focus: 6th Ancient Civilizations, 7th Medieval,  Renaissance and 8th US History. Readworks


  • Utilize the IXL app - Language Arts standards (work to reach a smart score in your current grade level and try out standards in your incoming grade level as well!)
  • The following websites offer great FREE resources for you to practice reading comprehension and critical analysis with short passages:
    • Commonlit.org
    • Readworks.org
    • Newsela.com
    • Readtheory.org
  • The following websites offer great FREE resources for you to practice writing and grammar:
    • Noredink.com
    • Chompchomp.com
  • Read for fun!  Do you enjoy writing?  Keep a diary as you read a novel of your choice.  Love to draw? Keep a journal of sketchnotes!



  • Practice the Spanish language basics with Duolingo https://www.duolingo.com/.  Duolingo is a platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. The app and the website are free. Duolingo also offers a premium service for a fee.  It is a fun an interactive way to learn español.
  • Colby español https://personal.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/ is a comprehensive collection of interactive learning activities that help you practice Spanish vocabulary and grammar.  It also includes online course listening materials, help with accents, and online references and media links.
  • Listen and sing along to songs in Spanish and watch movies en español by changing the audio to Spanish and adding English subtitles.